St. Francis

of Assisi

Catholic Church

Lord make me an instrument of peace..   Where there is hatred, let me sow love   Where there is injury, pardon   Where there is discord, unity   Where there is doubt, faith   Where there is dispair, hope

Language Switcher


"We are keeping you in our prayers for your health and well being. Mass intentions and prayers for those who are sick, listed in the bulletin are being offered by Fr. Sabando in his celebration of private masses. In order to keep operational expenses paid during the cancellation of masses, you may also mail your Sunday offerings to St. Francis Catholic Parish, 1537 Rogers Ave., Lancaster, TX  75134 or donate on line below:

Online Donations

You can now make both one time
and recurring donation securely
on line. Click on the logo below for
more details.





Parish Office Hours

Monday-      9:00 AM - 4 PM
Tuesday–     9:00 AM - 4 PM 
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 4 PM
Thursday     9:00 AM - 4 PM 
Friday          9:00 AM - 4 PM 

Financials for 2020

Click on the documents below to view the 2024 Financials

Financial Summary

2024 Financials

2024 Pledge Card


Announcement from Bishop Edward J. Burns

Phase Three of Reopening Plan

 Phase Three decree includes the celebration of public Sunday Masses

 The Diocese of Dallas continues the process by which its 77 churches will incrementally open to welcome back the 1.3 million Catholics in the 9 counties it serves. Taking into consideration the guidance of civil and health authorities, and with the support of the bishop’s priest leadership council, the Diocese of Dallas continues the process of opening in phases, allowing for the ability to re-evaluate the process as necessary in order to ensure the health and safety of the community. This process is occurring in four phases, with each phase building upon the last. With this Decree, Phase Three begins.The celebration of public Sunday Masses may resume on June 28, 2020. Even when Sunday Mass is available, the Faithful will remain dispensed from any obligation to attend Mass on Sunday. Live Streaming of Sunday Mass will also continue. Please see the decree for more information.

View June 17th Decree from Bishop Burns


Sunday Mass Schedule
Online and Broadcast Masses


Masses will be televised on Fox 4 and KDFI 27 until at least June 28th.


English - 11:00 A.M.
Watch on KDFW Fox 4 
(Also on KDFI 27 at 12:00 P.M.)

Español - 10:00 A.M.
Transmitida por Televisión - Univision 23


Watch Online

Facebook -

YouTube -



All videos are available any time after their premiere at


Anuncio del Obispo Edward J. Burns
Fase Tres del Plan de Reapertura

 El decreto de la Fase Tres incluye la celebración de Misas Dominicales públicas

 La Diócesis de Dallas continúa el proceso a través del cual sus 77 iglesias abrirán gradualmente sus puertas para recibir a los 1.3 millones de Católicos en los 9 condados a los que sirve. Tomando en cuenta las guías de las autoridades civiles y sanitarias, y con el apoyo del consejo de liderazgo sacerdotal del obispo, la Diócesis de Dallas continua el proceso de apertura en fases, permitiendo la capacidad de reevaluar el proceso según sea necesario para garantizar la salud y la seguridad de la comunidad. Este proceso se está llevando a cabo en cuatro fases, con cada fase construyendo sobre la base de la última.

La celebración de las Misas dominicales públicas puede reanudarse el 28 de junio de 2020
. Incluso cuando la Misa Dominical esté disponible, los Fieles estarán dispensados de cualquier obligación de asistir a Misa el domingo. La transmisión en vivo de la Misa dominical también continuará. Si desea obtener información adicional, lea el decreto.

Vea la Declaración del Obispo Burns - 17 de junio de 2020


Horario de la Misa Dominical 
Transmisión de Misas en Línea

 Las Misas serán televisadas en Univision 23 por lo menos hasta el 28 de junio.

 Español - 10:00 A.M.
Transmitida por Televisión - Univision 23

 English - 11:00 A.M.
Watch on KDFW Fox 4 
(Also on KDFI 27 at 12:00 P.M.)

 Misas En Línea

Facebook -

YouTube -

 Tras su estreno, todos los vídeos estarán disponibles en

 Sent by Office of the Bishop

Current Weekly Bulletin: Click Picture

Helpful Links

Mass Links

Breakfast Schedule

Coming in September!



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Helpful Links

Click on the following lines for helpful information:

Bishops invitation to listen to masses:

 Information on Fraud and scams:

Domestic violence resources with Diocese of Dallas and Catholic Charities:

1537 Rogers Avenue
Lancaster, Texas 75134
Email address -
Phone: 972-227-4124